
The Flag Green

All-School Annual Awards 2022

Academic excellence is a hallmark of the KIS education and formally recognizing that standard is a moment for our whole community to appreciate the discipline, hard work and determination of our students.

KIS Outdoor Agricultural Learning Unit Provides Hands-on Lessons in Sustainable Farming

“We only get one planet. Humankind must become accountable on a massive scale for the wanton destruction of our collective home. Protecting our future on this planet depends on the conscious evolution of our species.”- Leonardo DiCaprio, actor, and environmentalist... Continue Reading →

High School Subject Awards 2021-22

Academic excellence is a hallmark of the KIS education and formally recognizing that standard is a moment for our whole community to appreciate the discipline, hard work and determination of our students.

“Oh, I’m so glad you’ve come: Noted Australian Dancer Philippa Cullen’s Final Days Among Kodai School Caregivers”

Kodaikanal International School has long been a caring community, suffused with a compassionate spirit, of staff to students, school members to the Kodai community at large – and to strangers who have made their way to this hilltop getaway. The... Continue Reading →

KIS Students Make a Mark at the World Scholar’s Cup 2022

The World Scholar’s Cup is a renowned worldwide academic competition that celebrates learning. This is the second time that KIS students have participated in this unique three-round challenge. Instead of focusing on memorizing facts, WSC is all about applying them... Continue Reading →

Behind the Lens with Pawo Choyning Dorji

The KIS alumni community is abuzz over the news that Pawo Choyning Dorji (Class of ’02) was shortlisted as Bhutan’s first-ever nominated film for the 94th Academy Award’s Best International Feature Film submission.  Dorji’s entry ‘Lunana: A Yak in the... Continue Reading →

Smells Like Camp Spirit: Experiences from Poondi Camp

It's not just the buildings that make KIS “home”; it's the people, community, and the lifelong bonds that we form during a whole range of activities at the school. And, of all the wonderful activities that Kodi has to offer,... Continue Reading →

KIS Student Sets Asian Record

KIS Grade 6 student Insaf Mohamed made a “splash” by creating a record of floating on water for one hour, 11 minutes, and 14 seconds. His name appeared in the India Book of Records in December 2021 and has eventually... Continue Reading →

KIS CEH: Enabling Agents of Change for a Sustainable World

After more than a year of COVID 19 lockdowns and restrictions, the KIS Center for Environment and Humanity (CEH) is once again picking up on its ongoing initiatives and planning new interesting programs this academic year. KIS CEH’s vision is... Continue Reading →

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